"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Still a college student.

For my program, not only do I get to work at the happiest place on Earth, I get to take classes at the prestigious Disney University. Since I'm an art major none of the credits help me with my degree, but how often do you hear someone say they went to Disney University? I wasn't about to let that opportunity go so I signed up for classes yesterday!
In my first course, "Students will learn various tools to promote creativity within themselves and others, processes to increase innovation, how to contribute to a creative team, how to manage creativity, and how to establish a culture of creativity within an organization." The second course is basically resume building and whatnot. The things you need to make it in the professional world.

To go along with my professional training, I had to buy myself some professional clothes. Yay shopping!


The days are blurring by. I can't believe I'll actually be in Orlando in less than three weeks. It's going to be so hard to be away from my family and friends for seven months, but I seriously can not wait!

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Friday, May 13, 2011

What the what.

I just discovered this:
How awesome is that!

But then. I saw the word "utilidors" and didn't know what that meant. Apparently there are secret tunnels underneath the parks that create an underground city. That way you don't see cast members from Frontierland walking amongst the robots of Tomorrowland. You can read more about the magic here.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

New friends.

Over the past couple of weeks, I've become amazed by how big the Disney company really is. Founded nearly 100 years ago, it has become the largest media conglomerate in the world. It holds claim to all of the classic movies we've grown up with, but they have three exterior companies making movies as well. Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures and Mirimax Films are all owned by Disney, making all of these movies Disney movies too!

life is beautiful SPLASHChicago-chicago-the-movie-7086850-1130-1128

Remember this guy?
Bill Nye
Not only are all the "Bill Nye the Science Guy" shows run by Disney, but Bill has a part in Ellen's Energy Adventure inside Epcot at Walt Disney World

Disney also owns ABC and Marvel.
So the actors in my favorite show:
as well as these hotties:
all technically work for the same company as me!

We're coworkers now, right? We might as well be best friends.
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Monday, May 2, 2011

Five more weeks...

Quick update for y'all.
I met my roommate! Well, kind of. I am officially facebook friends with her, so that counts right? I introduce you to Lauren:


She's a Virgo from Pittsburgh, loves coffee, and will have a car in Florida! (Lauren, if you're reading this, I promise I'm not a creep for blogging about you.) She seems all great and normal and I can't wait to meet her in person.

Update #2. I bought my luggage! I've never had my own; always just used my parents, so buying a new, gorgeous 4 piece set for a hundred dollars was pretty exciting for me.


Stay tuned to hear of all the superheroes, as well as a certain "Science Guy", owned by the ever growing Disney franchise.

Mickey Wink