I had the most splendid day yesterday.
I got up early to go to church. Those Mormon missionaries are quite persistent. I got to sing in the choir though, and met a friend of a friend, so it was well worth it. I laid out with my lovely Lauren and then took her to get Chipotle for the first time in her life! Not sure how she survived until I came around. Needless to say, she was quite pleased.
After each sprawling on the living room floor to recover from our tank of a burrito, my roommate was off to work and I went on a solo adventure to Hollywood Studios. It was kind of nice to go by myself. I wandered a lot, got through lines quickly, and didn't have to worry about which ride everyone wanted to go on. I rode the Tower of Terror twice since it had a twelve year absence from my life. I definitely screamed bloody murder. Saw my husband Steven Tyler on the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, and got on the new and improved Star Tours. After a good three hours, I ate some ice-cream and headed on home.
Went to the gym
and then to the Chatham Square pool. Joined some new kids for a rousing game of Apples to Apples (which wasn't actually that great; not many have the same sense of humor as my high school chums).
Even though I was awake from seven am until two am and did some major recovery sleeping today, it was awesome to do so much adventuring. After working so so much, it was nice to take an entire day and actually doing something with my life!