"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Still a college student.

For my program, not only do I get to work at the happiest place on Earth, I get to take classes at the prestigious Disney University. Since I'm an art major none of the credits help me with my degree, but how often do you hear someone say they went to Disney University? I wasn't about to let that opportunity go so I signed up for classes yesterday!
In my first course, "Students will learn various tools to promote creativity within themselves and others, processes to increase innovation, how to contribute to a creative team, how to manage creativity, and how to establish a culture of creativity within an organization." The second course is basically resume building and whatnot. The things you need to make it in the professional world.

To go along with my professional training, I had to buy myself some professional clothes. Yay shopping!


The days are blurring by. I can't believe I'll actually be in Orlando in less than three weeks. It's going to be so hard to be away from my family and friends for seven months, but I seriously can not wait!

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1 comment:

  1. So excited for you and your new adventure! Keep us posted and am looking forward to hearing all about Disney.
